Pathway Programs

Champion Mindset and
Anti-Bullying Workshop

This program is designed to introduce kids to the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo while addressing the issues of bullying.

The workshop utilises the values inherent in these sports to educate participants about bullying and provide strategies for prevention.

Aligns with the NSW Education Anti-Bullying Plan, this workshop can be conducted as a part of school wellbeing day.

Duration: 1 day - 45 minutes workshop

Future Champion
Wellbeing Program

This program aims to improve students’ sense of self worth through a 8-10 weeks wellbeing program designed with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo teachings at its core. This program focuses on equipping students with the right mindset and developing positive and respectful relationships.

This wellbeing can be integrated into the wellbeing and social education curriculum, as well as the sports in schools initiative. It is a fantastic program for students who may not excel in group sports to participate in individual sports.

This holistic approach also allows for addressing learning disabilities and behaviour issues. It is a program that has positively impacted students’ performance at school.

Duration: 8-10 weeks

Blackbelt mindset

The Black Belt Mindset program combines sports, business, and entrepreneurial principles, drawing on the martial arts journey required to achieve a black belt.

Students who meet specific key performance indicators (KPIs) such as improved attendance, behaviour and positive initiative during the Future Champions Program are selected for this 10-week program.

Taking place at Clube de Lutas Australia, the students get to participate in business operations where they will learn essential skills such as class planning, time management, leadership and communication.

The program concludes with guidance from a business coach who assists students in developing employment skills and cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset.

Duration: 10 weeks